How learning to receive without judgment can take us to new heights
Learning to receive without judgment can take us to new heights by opening up new possibilities and opportunities that we may have missed out on before.
When we let go of judgment and allow ourselves to be receptive, we become more open to new ideas, perspectives, and experiences. This can lead to personal growth and transformation as we start to see the world with new eyes.
When we receive without judgment, we become more resilient and adaptable. Instead of being stuck in a fixed mindset, we are more open to change and can adapt to new situations more easily. This can be particularly helpful in times of uncertainty and change, as it allows us to navigate challenges with greater ease and grace.
Sara Blakely, the founder and CEO of Spanx is a great example of someone who was able to build a thriving business by being receptive to new ideas. She is a remarkable example of how having a mindset of openness, curiosity, perseverance, innovation, and a willingness to receive without a fixed point of view can lead to great success.
After working as a Chipmunk at Disney World, Sara Blakely took a job selling fax machines door-to-door. It was during this time that she came up with the idea for Spanx. Sara’s idea for Spanx came from her own struggles with finding a flattering and comfortable undergarment to wear under white pants. She used her savings to create the first prototype and then used her sales skills to pitch the product to department stores.
After creating the first prototype of Spanx in 2000, Sara Blakely spent the next two years perfecting the design and trying to get the product into stores. Sara faced numerous obstacles and rejections when trying to get her business off the ground.
Embracing a Mindset of Receptivity
Sara Blakely's ability to receive without judgment was essential in helping her overcome the numerous rejections she faced when trying to get Spanx into stores. Her willingness to receive allowed her to be open to opportunities and possibilities that she might have missed if she had been judgmental or closed-minded.
When Sara first started Spanx, she faced a lot of rejection and skepticism from retailers who didn't believe in her product. Despite facing rejection after rejection, Sara did not give up. However, instead of being discouraged by these setbacks, she remained receptive to feedback and used it to improve her product and pitch. She would take note of the criticisms and suggestions from retailers and use them to make Spanx better. She even wrote her own patent after being turned down by several lawyers.
Regardless of the setbacks, Sara persevered and eventually found success. Sara eventually landed a deal with Neiman Marcus, and the success of the product quickly spread by word of mouth.
Sara demonstrated that true receiving is about the ability to receive all the information there is. It is the capacity to perceive everything without a point of view.
What's more, Sara was able to receive without judgment by not taking the rejections personally. She did not let rejection and criticism discourage or defeat her, instead, she saw them as opportunities to learn and grow. By adopting this mindset, she was able to persist in her efforts, even when it seemed like the odds were against her.
Unlocking a World of Endless Possibilities
Sara Blakely's ability to receive without judgment not only helped her overcome the rejections she faced but also enabled her to build a successful company. She created space for growth, learning, and transformation. She became more receptive to different perspectives, ideas, and ways of being, and was better equipped to adapt to change and uncertainty.
Her willingness to receive allowed her to pivot and adapt to changes in the market. As Spanx grew and expanded, she remained open to new ideas and innovations, constantly looking for ways to improve and evolve her product line.
One key factor in Sara Blakely's success was her ability to stay open and receptive to new ideas and perspectives. She was open to collaboration and sought out mentors and advisors who could guide her in building her business. In November 2000, Oprah Winfrey named Spanx one of her "Favorite Things," which led to a significant rise in popularity and sales
She worked to establish relationships with other entrepreneurs and business leaders in her industry. Through these connections, she was able to gain valuable insights and knowledge that helped her grow her company. In 2005, Blakely attained second place as a contestant on ‘The Rebel Billionaire’, a reality television series that introduced her to Richard Branson, who later supported Sara in her endeavors as both an entrepreneur and philanthropist.
In essence, Sara's ability to receive without judgment allowed her to stay curious, open-minded, and adaptable, which ultimately played a crucial role in her success as a businesswoman. In 2012, Sara Blakely landed on the cover of Forbes magazine for being the youngest self-made female billionaire in the world.
Sara Blakely's dedication and persistence in promoting her product led her to spend two years standing in department stores, personally selling Spanx and engaging in conversations with potential customers. This hands-on approach allowed her to gain valuable insights into consumer preferences and needs, which helped her refine her product and marketing strategy. By being on the front lines and actively engaging with customers, Blakely was able to develop a deep understanding of her target market and build a loyal following for Spanx. This approach was crucial in the early stages of her business, where every sale and every customer interaction was critical to her success.
By staying open to feedback, and being willing to receive it without judgment, she was able to expand her perspective and gain new insights. She was able to continuously improve her product and innovate in the shapewear industry. Additionally, her openness to new ideas and perspectives allowed her to see opportunities where others saw obstacles, which was crucial in helping her achieve her targets.
The impact of receiving without judgment on personal growth and development
As business owners and entrepreneurs, oftentimes, we fail to recognize the importance of receiving. But truly, it's essential to leading a wholesome and enriched life. By being open to receiving, we offer ourselves more choices, adventures, and new possibilities! We can do this by allowing ourselves to let down our guard and have faith in the process of life itself.
Being willing to receive everything without judgment is about cultivating a mindset of openness and curiosity
One way to cultivate a mindset of openness and curiosity is to practice non-judgmental awareness. It involves intentionally paying attention to the present moment without evaluating or reacting to our experiences.
Non-judgmental awareness is about developing a mindset of detachment and non-judgment. It means that instead of automatically aligning with or resisting a particular point of view, we are able to maintain a sense of detachment and observe it from a neutral perspective.
This approach can help us to avoid becoming caught up in negative emotions and thought patterns, and instead approach situations with a sense of openness and curiosity. By cultivating this mindset, we can learn to be more present and aware of our thoughts and emotions, and avoid becoming attached to them.
The magic of non-judgmental awareness
When we practice non-judgmental awareness, we learn to observe our thoughts, feelings, and sensations with curiosity and compassion, rather than reacting to them. We can develop a greater sense of clarity and insight into ourselves and our surroundings. We can learn to approach situations and challenges with a sense of curiosity and openness, rather than with fear or defensiveness.
It can involve questioning our assumptions and preconceptions and being willing to explore alternative perspectives. Over time, this practice can help us to develop a more aware, compassionate, and conscious approach to life.
Observing our thoughts, feelings, and emotions without judgment can be a powerful tool in managing our reactions and responses to them
In practical terms, developing a non-judgmental awareness involves consciously choosing to suspend judgment when encountering new ideas or situations, and instead approaching them with a sense of curiosity and openness.
Here are some ideas on how to practice this
To practice, non-judgmental awareness we can start by becoming aware of our thoughts and the conclusions we tend to jump to. When we notice ourselves making a conclusion or judgment, pause and ask ourselves questions: “What’s really going on here?” and “What am I trying to create as real for me that actually isn’t?” instead. This can help shift our mindset from a closed and judgmental one to an open and curious one.
When we notice negative thoughts or emotions, it's important to be kind and compassionate towards ourselves. Rather than judging ourselves for having those thoughts or feelings, we can be in allowance of them with no point of view. Pause and ask ourselves: “What thought is behind this emotion?" or "What is this feeling trying to tell me?” or “Is this really relevant to me?” These questions can help us to become more aware of our inner experiences, which can help us to recognize and work through patterns of thought or behavior that may be holding us back.
Being in allowance of thoughts and feelings does not mean we have to like or agree with them. It simply means acknowledging them as they are, without trying to change or control them. Pause and ask ourselves: “What awareness am I refusing?” or “Am I creating myself as less than infinite here?” Being in allowance doesn't mean that we condone or approve of everything that happens in our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, but rather that we are willing to acknowledge and accept things as they are, without resistance or attachment.
Instead of reacting to our thoughts and emotions, try asking ourselves curious questions about them. For example, “What’s right about me that I’m not getting?” or, “What is it that I’m not getting about this?” or “What choices and possibilities are available that I haven’t even considered?” By approaching our thoughts and emotions with curiosity, we can learn from them without getting caught up in them.
Mastering Non-Judgmental Awareness
Whenever I felt anxious or uncertain about approaching unknown situations or unforeseen challenges, I tap into the power of non-judgmental awareness. Instead of getting swept away by the emotions and energy that came up, I chose to sit with them and simply be in allowance of my thoughts, feelings, and emotions, without trying to change them.
Instead of automatically aligning with or resisting my thoughts, feelings, emotions, or a particular point of view, I choose to maintain a sense of detachment and observe it from a neutral perspective. When I have intense emotions come up I ask: “What awareness am I refusing?” or “What thoughts, feelings, or emotions, am I using to erase my awareness of what’s really going on here?
When I notice myself making a conclusion or judgment, I pause and ask myself the questions “What if everything is the opposite of what it appears to be?” and “What else is possible here?” instead. This often helps shift my mindset from a closed and judgmental one to an open and curious one.
The more I practiced being the question, the more I felt like I could handle any situation without being overwhelmed by it. I noticed that when I’m not being the question, every point of view, thought, feeling and emotion that triggers me will control me, leading to unnecessary resistance and reactive behavior.
By simply choosing to sit with any energy that came up and acknowledging my point of view, I was able to shift my perspective and let go of negative thoughts, feelings, and emotions. With every practice of non-judgmental awareness, I felt more at ease and less at the mercy of my own reactions.
Key Takeaway
True receiving is about having a mindset of complete non-judgmental awareness. When we are able to receive everything without a point of view, we create the space for new possibilities and opportunities to enter our lives.
This can be a transformative experience, allowing us to see the world in a new light and connect more deeply with others. However, developing this skill of non-judgmental receiving can be challenging, as it requires us to let go of our preconceived notions and beliefs. It's a practice that requires patience, self-awareness, and a willingness to be vulnerable. But with time and dedication, we can cultivate this mindset and experience the many benefits that come with it.